Business Sales UK and Europe
Here to support you
We provide Multi-Sector Project Management for either sell or buy side. Working with businesses in the £1m - £150m revenue range, based in the UK and Europe.
Typically, we work with owners on the sell side, but we also support the purchasing buy side and have successfully transacted with some of the most well-known UK and European trade businesses and private equity houses.
Uniquely for a corporate finance business, we lead all transactions from commencement to completion. Our involved approach means we focus on the quality of our transactions each year.

Supporting business owners and management teams in planning, performance improvement, optimizing management structure and creating objective driven milestones.
We work with businesses that have market consolidation, growth aspirations or preparing for longer term ownership exit.
Our core experience in strategy development is within industrial spaces, which include Transport, Automotive, Plant and Equipment, Construction, Manufacturing and Engineering.

In businesses' that are under performing or stressed, we support owners and management teams in assessing their current position and the outlook, before providing a clear picture on the options available to them.
We provide our experience and network in accelerated M&A, refinancing and debt restructuring situations. Interacting with banks and key creditors on behalf of the business.
We are not an Insolvency Practitioners, our focus is solely to find a road through for the business and provide a stable platform at the other side.

Debt Advisory
Our debt advisory proposition is largely outwith mainstream banking. Typically, we work with businesses that are being forced to exit or are looking to exit its incumbent bank and we find an alternative solution.
These types of projects can either be on very short timelines in distressed situations or pre-planned, medium-term projects.
The debt products and services we focus on mainly are Confidential Invoice Discounting, Asset Finance and Real Estate Funding.